the young avengers

iron lad/nate richards
- super genius from the 31st century
- young kang the conqueror
- founder of the young avengers
- first appearance: young avengers (2005) #1
- powers: neurokinetic armor

patriot/eli bradley
- unofficial ya co-leader
- grandson of isaiah bradley
- first appearance: young avengers (2005) #1
- powers: super soldier abilities

wiccan/billy kaplan-altman
- angsty magic user
- canonically gay
- married to teddy
- wanda & vision’s reincarnated son
- first appearance: young avengers (2005) #1
- reality warping, electrokinesis, etc

hulkling/teddy kaplan-altman
- emperor dorrek viii (king of space, basically
- canonically gay
- married to billy
- kree-skrull hybrid
- son of captain mar-vell and a skrull princess
- first appearance: young avengers (2005) #1
- powers: all kree/skrull abilities (shapeshifting, super-strength, etc.)

hawkeye/kate bishop
- the better hawkeye
- disillusioned rich kid turned superhero
- evil parents
- first appearance: young avengers (2005) #1
- powers: skilled in martial arts, swordsmanship, one of the world’s best archers

stature/cassie lang
- now goes by ‘stinger’
- semi-accidental superpowers
- daughter of ant-man (scott lang)
- first appearance: (as a hero) young avengers (2005) #2
- powers: shrinking and growing in size, often affected by her emotions

- vision’s programming + iron lad’s armor = jonas
- he’s dead now
- first appearance: young avengers (2005) #3
- powers: og vision’s powers - strength, flight, intelligence, etc.

speed/tommy shepherd
- introduced freshly out of juvie
- can go 761 mph
- canonically bisexual
- wanda & vision’s other reincarnated son
- first appearance: young avengers (2005) #10
- powers: speedster stuff, strength, can make things explode

ms. america/america chavez
- interdimensional kicker of ass
- canon lesbian
- could kill you with a single punch
- first appearance: vengeance (2011) #1
- powers: strength, flight, speed, invulnerability, star portal creation, etc.

kid loki
-god of mischief, korean barbecue enjoyer
- canonically bi & genderfluid
- kind of messed everything up
- first appearance: thor (2007) #617
- powers: typical loki powers (sorcery, shapeshifting, etc.)

marvel boy/noh-varr
- banished kree music lover
- canonically queer (mlm)
- dna altered with cockroach genes
- kree warrior from earth-200080
- first appearance: marvel boy (2000) #1
- powers: strength, speed, durability, agility, exploding fingernails, hallucinogenic spit, etc.

prodigy/david alleyne
- knows pretty much everything, probably the most intelligent mutant
- canonically bi
- depowered-then-repowered mutant
- mutant detective
- first appearance: new mutants (2003) #4
- powers: absorbs the skills and knowledge of anyone he goes near

reading the ya

group runs:
- young avengers vol. 1 (2005) #1-8
- young avengers special #1
- young avengers vol. 1 (2005) #9-12
- civil war: young avengers & runaways #1-4
- young avengers presents #1-6
- secret invasion: runaways/young avengers #1-3
- dark reign: young avengers #1-5
- avengers: the children’s crusade #1-9
- avengers: the children’s crusade - young avengers
- young avengers vol. 2 (2013) #1-15
- marvel voices: pride
- marvel voices infinity comic #5-10

solo runs:
hawkeye (2012) #14, 16, 18, 20, 22
hawkeye (2016)
hawkeye: kate bishop (2021)
america (2017)
america chavez: made in the usa
marvel voices infinity comic #12-17
kid loki:
journey into mystery (2011)
loki: agent of asgard
billy & teddy:
lords of empyre: emperor hulkling
king in black: wiccan and hulkling
the last annihilation: wiccan and hulkling
hulkling & wiccan infinity comic
love unlimited infinity comic #25-30
kang the conqueror (2021)